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January 21, 2010



There's no such think as a typical Capricorn female. She can be a museum curator who wears granny glasses for real, or she can be a dancer who wears a glittering G-string for fun. You'll see her crisply running a suburban P.T.A., frying hamburgers in a coffee shop, or organizing the biggest Charity Ball in the city.

A Capricorn woman may decorate the society columns, smile demurely behind a political candidate husband or pour mysterious liquids in­to test tubes. But whatever she's doing and whatever she's wearing, Saturn will rule her actions and her secret aims.

She can be ultra-feminine, flirtatious and charming enough to make a man feel like a giant grizzly bear who can protect her from the cold, cruel world. Or she can be icy, quiet and aloof, sitting securely on her marble pedestal and challenging you to be clever enough to win her superior hand. Whichever personality she projects, underneath her womanly wiles or her practical, sensible manner, she has the same goal-a steely determination to snag the right man, who can become important, make her proud and be a good father to her children.



"Don't keep him waiting, child! Why, his time is worth a thousand pounds a minute! And don't twiddle your fingers all the time ... Better say nothing at all. Language is worth a thousand pounds a word!"

He has a self-made brick wall around him. He's shy, but he's strong and tough. He's pleasant, but he's fiercely ambitious. Like the legendary, silent, earthy cowboy, the Capricorn man seems to prefer to be alone. He doesn't. Not really.

Secretly, Capricorn yearns for adulation. He'd love to thrill the crowd on a flying trapeze. In his private dreams, the goat is an incurable romantic, but Saturn chains his nature. The stern planet of discipline demands of him calm behavior, practical actions and serious intent. This is his cross, and it's often a heavy one to bear. Sometimes he'll cover his frustration with a brusque manner-and sometimes he'll startle you with unexpected and incon­gruous humor, although it will always be the ironic tongue-in-cheek variety. But that's often the funniest kind, and Capricoms can be quite a gas when they're wry and dry and juggling the jokes.

Turn a steady, dependable Capricorn male inside out, and you'll find a merry, gentle dreamer who longs for the free wind to blow through his hair and finds the sweet fragrance of compliments intoxicating-who hungers

How to Recognize CAPRICORN

 It's anything but a breeze to grasp the Capricorn char­acter. You'll learn to recognize this Sun sign, but you'll need some preliminary practice. Study the quiet spider in the comer. He hasn't a chance against the fast-flying insects. But they get caught in his cleverly spun web-and the spider wins. Remember Aesop's slow tortoise, humorously crawling in that race. He hasn't a chance against the quick, bright hare. But the flighty hare goes in all directions, for­getting the goal-the tortoise wins. Observe the goat, as he scales the mountainside. He hasn't a chance against the strategy of the smarter humans who pursue him. But the hunters fall behind as the sturdy goat climbs determinedly from crag to crag on his uniquely designed hooves-and the goat wins.

Now study a Capricorn. Where will you find him? Just about anywhere he can advance or improve himself. Any­where he can get ahead and further his secret ambitions. Try a social gathering. The Capricorn is not a carefree party type, but the goat we're studying is a social climber as well as a mountain climber. Pick a mixed group, prefer­ably in the upper income level. You can also try the middle income level, but the lower you go beneath that, the smaller your chances of finding a Capricorn. He probably won't be wearing a lamp shade on his head, tap dancing or calling attention to himself in any way; he'll be the admiring spec­tator in the background. You may not even notice him at first as he quietly and calmly watches all the flashy, pushy, charming,